Ezekiel 28 commentary on the book of prophets

Ezekiel overview james burton coffman commentaries on. Thus saith the lord jehovah, woe upon the foolish prophets, who go after. A commentary on the book of the prophet ezekiel chapters 2548, ed. Because your heart is lifted up, and you say, i am a god, i sit in the seat of gods, in the midst of the seas, yet you are a man, and not a god, though you set your heart as the heart of a god. Two chapters later, god again showed ezekiel glimpses of his glory and the spirit world 3. Any promise of returning to the land and building the temple was therefore. Ezekiel, prophetpriest of ancient israel and the subject and in part the author of an old testament book that bears his name. The book of ezekiel is the third of the latter prophets in the tanakh and one of the major.

Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth the prophet here alludes to the cherubim in the temple of solomon, which were a part of the ark, being made of beaten gold, and therefore were with it anointed, and were very large, and covered the mercyseat with their wings. In fact ezekiel and his people were taken to babylon for breaking the covenant de2836. During this time, before judahs complete conquest, there were many false prophets in jerusalem and babylonia who claimed god would rescue judah and those already taken captive like ezekiel would soon return jeremiah 28. Ezekiel 28 commentary james burton coffman commentaries. Our lesson today from ezekiel 2 comes immediately after the wellknown chariot vision of ezekiel in which the prophet sees the appearance of the likeness of the. Ezekiels priestly lineage shines through in his prophetic ministry. Jul 03, 2016 watch our overview video on the first part of the book of ezekiel, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. Fresco of prophets isaiah, jeremiah, ezekiel and daniel. Is the king of tyre prophecy in ezekiel 28 referring to. Ezekiel 28 bible commentary john gills exposition of the bible. Ezekiel, bible commentary, a message for gods people. Ezekiel 28 commentary james burton coffman commentaries on.

Expository notes on ezekiel the prophet ironside commentary series book 11 by h. Ezekiel 28 prince of tyre represents satan, in rebellion in heaven 1 but the deceived ones will turn against satan 6 king of tyre represents satan on earth, compared to his origin 11 zidon, the last enemies destroyed at the end of the years 20 the righteous inherit the earth universe at peace 24 for a chart showing relationships between verses here and ones in revelation, go. Unfortunately, this segment of scripture has become the seedbed of two ideas that have no merit in the sacred text, namely the fall of satan in eden, or else the rise of the anti. Volume two includes a commentary on the prophet ezekiel. Nov 24, 2016 thousands of years ago, ezekiel recorded warnings and promises of god that are intended for our time, now.

As to daniel, there was a legendary figure in phoenicia mentioned in texts of 1514 century, but probably reporting earlier things. Ezekiel 28 commentary matthew henry commentary on the. This hope was to be realised on the basis of yahwehs covenant fidelity and his mercy and compassion for the people. He belonged to the family of zadok, who was a famous priest. Ezekiel looked beyond the sufferings of christ to the glory that should follow.

This commentary is based upon my personal devotional notes and reflections on the book of ezekiel. In his book ezekiel gives exact dates for his prophecies. Bruce further divided the first division as 1st and 2nd denunciations of the false prophets in ezek. Ezekiel 37, a chapter that deals with an extraordinary vision. Ezekiel had said that the false prophets did not go up into the gaps, or make up the breaches ezekiel.

Ezekiel 28 niv a prophecy against the king of tyre bible gateway. Library the father william most theological collection. The book of ezekiel is the third of the latter prophets in the tanakh and one of the major prophetic books in the old testament, following isaiah and jeremiah. Three stages in israels revival present themselves to the prophets eye.

You can find the best commentary on ezekiel for you using the tools on the right side. Dressler, the identification of the ugaritic dnil with the daniel of ezekiel, vt 29 1979 15261. Ezekiel 37 is probably the best known proph ecy in the book of ezekiel. The origin of satan ezekiel chapter 28 bible commentary. Ezekiel went into exile at the same time as king jehoiachin in the year 597 bc. David guzik commentary on ezekiel 28 describes the lamentation for the prince. The jewish bible in hebrew is called the masoretic text meaning passing down after a hebrew word masorah. False prophets condemned the word of the lord came to me. Montgomery, a critical and exegetical commentary on the book of daniel, in icc 23.

Volume one includes commentaries on jeremiah, baruch and the book of lamentations. Pdf ezekiel 28 the king of tyre jeffrey edwards academia. Yet the daniel here could be the same as the daniel in ezekiel 28. Three volumes of theodoret of cyruss commentaries on the prophets.

This book contains the prophecies attributed to the prophetpriest ezekiel. For most, ezekiels message is a mystery, but you can understand gods message for. Not that egypt was, like assyria, utterly to cease to be, but it was, like assyria, to lose its prominence in the empire of the world. Ezekiel 28 commentary, one of over 110 bible commentaries freely available, this commentary, by the leading authority in the church of christ, presents a verse level look at the bible. Doughty southside christian church december 2014 introduction. From the very beginning of his selfnamed book, ezekiel experienced his first vision where he was among the captives by the river of chebar, that the heavens. Prophecy against tyre concluded against tyres ruler against tyres king against sidon against the prince of tyre ezekiel 28. Ezekiel 37 commentary commentary critical and explanatory. Ezekiels ministry was a ministry of visions, parables and illustrations. Book of ezekiel overview insight for living ministries. Yet his prophecies include some of the most soulstirring word pictures of g. The controversial book of ezekiel nearly didnt make it into the biblical canon, but it has had a lasting impact on both liturgical practice and mystical traditions.

They are prophets who speak what the people want to hear so that they can make a handsome living, not true prophets who suffer for speaking the truth jer. What we are going to get a glimpse of is a glimpse into the power that was behind the king of tyre, ie. Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of israel who are now prophesying. Unfortunately, this segment of scripture has become the seedbed of two ideas that have no merit in the sacred text, namely the fall of satan in eden, or else the rise of the antichrist near the end of the current historical era. Daniel was taken captive in the first captivity during jehoiakims reign, about eight years before ezekiel was taken captive. In this vision,7 which he saw in the year 3332 429 bce while standing on the banks of the chebar river,8 ezekiel describes in vivid detail g. Is the king of tyre prophecy in ezekiel 28 referring to satan. Ezekiel false prophets condemned the word of bible. This was gods chosen way to relate through him what he had in store for the people. Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of israel who prophesy, and say to the prophets out of their heart, hear ye the word of jehovah.

His name, which in hebrew is yehezqel god strengthens was very much in keeping with the mission god planned for him. Ezekiel condemns the false prophets reformed bible. Ezekiels message rebuked the sinful wish to escape the deserved judgment the babylonians would soon. Key personalities include ezekiel, israels leaders, ezekiel s wife, king nebuchadnezzar, and the prince. Your prophets, israel, are like jackals among ruins. The lord, through ezekiel had warned his people about the results of breaking the covenant ez2037. Ezekiel therefore prophesied in babylon for at least 22 years. A member of a priestly family, he was taken to babylon in the first deportation 597 b. The priest ezekiel was the first prophet to be called by the lord outside of israel during the babylonian captivity. Volume three includes a commentary on the twelve prophets. Judgment of jerusalem,chapter 4 jerusalem is not destroyed at this time. The book of ezekiel has always been a problem book. In his book on demonology, he argued that this segment of ezekiels work. A commentary on the book of ezekiel southside christian.

The three major prophets isaiah, jeremiah, ezekiel and zephaniah all have the same basic sequence of messages. According to the book itself, it records six visions of the prophet ezekiel, exiled in babylon, during the 22 years from 593 to 571 bc, although it is the product of a long and complex history and does not necessarily preserve the very. A lamentation for the king of tyre, when he has thus fallen, though he falls by his own iniquity v. For ezekiels context, words such as stubborn are particularly poignant given their occurrence within his call or commissioning near the beginning of this biblical book. Nonetheless, the sacred declaration as to the historical meaning of the text.

Thousands of years ago, ezekiel recorded warnings and promises of god that are intended for our time, now. The chapter itself consists of two literar y units verses 11 4, and verses 1528. Ezekiel, bible commentary, a message for gods people, then. Those inferences that we get about satans origin and destiny come in large measure from isaiah 14 and ezekiel 28. Diis syris, says that it was the opinion of some of the ancients that the prophet ezekiel was the same with that nazaratus. The book of ezekiel begins with his famous prophecy of the divine chariot. At that time daniel, the prophet, whom ezekiel probably knew, had already been a prisoner for around 12 years in the palace of the king of babylon compare ezekiel 14. As peter said of the prophets, they saw the sufferings and they saw the glory that would follow 1 pet. The actualisation of the hope of restoration from exile was to encapsulate a unification of both evanesced judah and ephraim. Ezekiel was awestruck and no doubt filled with confidence in knowing god was with him and that god has the power to bring to pass all that he will tell ezekiel verse 28. Ezekiel 28 is the twentyeighth chapter of the book of ezekiel in the hebrew bible or the old testament of the christian bible. Say to those who prophesy out of their own imagination. Even the prophets who were an independent order supposed to be bound by no temple prejudices or political alliances, called of god in every generation to rebuke both king and high priest when they failed in duty even they had become flatterers, whitewashing hebrews the sins of the nobles and crying peace to every voice that raised.

He had a remarkable vision of gods throne in chapter 1, and this vision was referenced throughout the book. Watch our overview video on the first part of the book of ezekiel, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. Keil divided this chapter into only two divisions, namely, 1 prophecies against false prophets ezekiel. It is intended to help you better understand some of the background and issues in ezekiels prophecy. The last dated message of ezekiel was given in the 27th year of the captivity, that is the year 571 bc ezekiel 29. Ezekiel chapters 1 to 24 free bible commentary in easy. Returning to the passage, mention is again made in ezekiels book of the prophet daniel 28. Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing. Study ezekiel 28 using john gills exposition of the bible to better understand.

Significantly, the prophet castigates him neither for his shrewdness nor for his. A prediction of the fall and ruin of the king of tyre, who, in the destruction of that city, is particularly set up as a mark for gods arrows v. A commentary on the book of ezekiel by pastor galen l. The book of ezekiel takes its title from the priest of the same name, son to a man named buzi. Besides clarity of structure, the book of ezekiel reveals symmetry. And they were encouraged by the promise of the covenant peace ez3425.

Ezekiel chapters 1 to 24 free bible commentary in easy english. Second, are prophecies of retribution on nearby nations ezekiel 25. In no other book is this pattern clearer than in ezekiel see outline. This book contains the prophecies attributed to the prophetpriest ezekiel, and is one of the books of the prophets. Among the exiles in babylon, ezekiel shows that israel. Ezekiel therefore engages in some strange behavior. Ezekiel used symbols and allegory more than other prophets. From the very beginning of his selfnamed book, ezekiel experienced his first vision where he was among. Word pictures and technical descriptions you are to them like a song on the flute, which has a beautiful voice and plays well, g. The prince of tyrus is here compared to one of these, on account of the high power which he bore among.