Declaration of principles on freedom of expression in africa pdf

The challenge of freedom of expression in africa southern. American commission on human rights, in support of the special rapporteur for freedom of expression, adopts the following declaration of principles. The declaration affirmed freedom of expression as a fundamental and inalienable human right and an indispensable component of democracy. Organization for security and cooperation in europe osce bishkek declaration. African commission adopted the declaration of principles on freedom of expression in africa in 2002. Preamble reaffirming the fundamental importance of freedom of expression as an individual human right, as a cornerstone of democracy and as a means of ensuring respect for all. Columbia global freedom of expression seeks to advance understanding of the international and national norms and institutions that best protect the free flow of information and expression in an interconnected global community with major common challenges to address. Reaffirming article iv1 of the declaration of principles on freedom of expression in africa, adopted by the african commission on human and peoples rights at its 32nd ordinary session held in october 2002, which provides that public bodies hold information not for themselves but as custodians of the public good and everyone has a right to. By regularly publishing these reports on the state of press freedom in africa, the africa office of the international. The declaration expands on article 9 the declaration expands on article 9 of the charter and clearly lays out the necessary measures to be taken to ensure freedom of expression and information for all. Osxx 2016 the african commission on human and peoples rights, meeting at its 20th extraordinary session, held in banjul, islamic republic of the gambia, from 09 to 18 june 2016.

Making press freedom, freedom of expression, and access to information for citizens, shared values, and respected principles in africa, is essential for the long term survival of the independent media and its stakeholders. About the initiative african declaration on internet rights. African charter on broadcasting of 2001, the declaration of principles on freedom of expression in africa of 2002, and the african platform on access to information declaration of 2011 and the african union convention on cybersecurity and personal data protection of 2014. Submission by human rights watch to public call for input on.

Seventy years after the universal declaration of human rights was adopted in paris, the read the declaration here international declaration on information and democracy is establishing basic principles for the global information and communication space, which its preamble defines as a common good of humankind. Maputo declaration united nations educational, scientific. Declaration of principles on freedom of expression in africa, african commission on human and peoples rights, 32nd session, 17 23 october, 2002. For seven decades, free nations have drawn upon common principles to advance freedom, increase prosperity, and secure peace. Declaration of principles on freedom of expression and access. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression. Guidelines and principles on economic, social and cultural rights in the african charter on human and peoples rights. Apr 21, 2020 the african commission adopts this declaration of principles on freedom of expression and access to information in africa to replace the declaration on principles of freedom of expression in. Oas special rapporteurship for freedom of expression. Recalling that a number of regional standards are relevant to the protection of human rights on the internet, in particular the african charter on human and peoples rights of 1981, the windhoek declaration on promoting an independent and pluralistic african press of 1991, the african charter on broadcasting of 2001, the declaration of principles on freedom of expression in africa of 2002.

African declaration on internet rights and freedoms the. Article 19 of the same declaration covers the right to freedom of opinion and expression. Declaration of principles for freedom, prosperity, and. Freedom of opinion and expression international standards.

Declaration of principles on freedom of expression and access to information in africa. The declaration affirmed freedom of expression as a fundamental and inalienable human right and. Unesco supports updating of african declaration on freedom. Draft issued by the special rapporteur on freedom of expression and. The declaration builds on wellestablished african human rights documents including the african charter on human and peoples rights of 1981, the windhoek declaration on promoting an independent and pluralistic african press of 1991, the african charter on broadcasting of 2001, the declaration of principles on freedom of expression in africa. Declaration of principles on freedom of expression and.

Submission by human rights watch to public call for. Information, the declaration of principles on freedom of expression in africa, and the model law on access to information for africa. Eu human rights guidelines on freedom of expression online. Eu human rights guidelines on freedom of expression. Declaration on information and communications technologysouthern african development community. Conflict of rights and interests global freedom of. Osxx 2016 the african commission on human and peoples rights, meeting at its 20th extraordinary session, held in banjul, islamic republic of the gambia, from 09.

Recognizing the necessity for legal protection of these freedoms by the enactment of. Reaffirming article 9 of the african charter on human and peoples rights. The johannesburg principles on national security, freedom. Recalling, on the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the universal declaration of human rights, article 19 of that declaration, which states. Resolution to revise the declaration of principles on freedom of expression in africa achprres. Declaration of principles on freedom of expression in africa, and resolution 362 achprres. Model law for african states on access to information.

The johannesburg principles on national security, freedom of. Freedom of expression in all its forms and manifestations is a fundamental and inalienable right of all individuals. The th such joint declaration was launched on 25 june 2012 in port of spain, trinidad and tobago. Leading global figures have released a new declaration of principles for freedom, prosperity, and peace. Submission by human rights watch to public call for input. Resolution to revise the declaration of principles on. International declaration on the protection of journalists freedom of expression and media freedom, without distinction of any kind, including distinctions based on race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. African declaration on internet rights and freedoms. Resolution on the declaration of principles on freedom of expression. Yet our principles remain sound because they reflect the common aspirations of the human spirit. Freedom of opinion and expression are essential for the fulfilment and enjoyment of a wide range of other human rights, including freedom of association and assembly, freedom of thought, religion or belief, the right to education, the right to take part in cultural life, the right. Udombana, articulating the right to democratic governance in africa.

These principles were adopted on 1 october 1995 by a group of experts in international law, national security, and human rights convened by article 19, the international centre against censorship, in collaboration with the centre for applied legal studies of the university of the witwatersrand, in johannesburg. Note that the principles in this document specifically address the right to freedom of expression specifically i. Declaration of principles on freedom of expression in africa. Increasing international legal protections for freedom of. Banjul charter on human and peoples rights, adopted by the. Declaration on principles of freedom of expression oas african charter on human and peoples rights. We, the heads of state and government of the organization of african unity, meeting in durban, south africa, at the 38th ordinary session of the assembly of the oau, have considered the report of the secretary general on strengthening the role of the. International declaration on information and democracy. International covenant on civil and political rights iccpr, article 17. Udombana, articulating the right to democratic governance in africa, 24 m ich. The declaration of principles of freedom of expression in africa was adopted in 2002 by the african commission on human and peoples rights.

Why freedom of expression is important why freedom of expression is a key building block of democracy what freedom of expression means the relationship between freedom of expression and freedom of the media the role of the media in society why the broadcast media is so important, particularly in southern africa 1. It has also been a strong reference point for jurisprudence in africa. Access to the internet should be available and affordable to all persons in africa without discrimination on any ground. No restriction on freedom of expression or information on the ground of national.

African union declaration on the principles governing democratic elections in africa, ahgdecl. To achieve its mission, global freedom of expression undertakes and commissions research and policy. Unesco supports updating of african declaration on freedom of. These achievements, which include the adoption of the declaration of principles on freedom of expression in africa and the appointment of a special rapporteur on freedom of expression, simply need to be seen as the ground on which we now have to build an african continent characterised by free media and the free flow of information. Inspired by the inalienable rights derived from our ethics, traditions, and faiths, we commit ourselves to seek a. Recalling that a number of regional standards are relevant to the protection of human rights on the internet, in particular the african charter on human and peoples rights of 1981, the windhoek declaration on promoting an independent and pluralistic african press of 1991, the african charter on broadcasting of 2001, the declaration of principles on freedom of expression in. African commission on human and peoples rights, declaration of principles on freedom of expression in africa, adopted at the 32 nd ordinary session, october 1723, 2002 article 19, the publics right to know. Principles the african declaration on internet rights and freedoms. The declaration, is based on a series of resolutions adopted by the african commission in 2012 and 2016.

Yet, over the last two decades, major pertinent issues emerged which were addressed insufficiently. Declaration of principles on freedom of expression in. Opportunities to share ideas and information on the internet are integral to promoting freedom of expression, media pluralism and cultural diversity. The preamble to the declaration is a stirring endorsement of the need for respect of the right in africa. Draft declaration of principles on freedom of expression. Establishing an election process that is open to citizen examination is essential because citizens not only have the right to genuine elections, they have the. Achpr approved revised declaration on principles of freedom of expression and access to information in africa 2019. Apc welcomes achpr resolution on the right to freedom of. May 03, 2018 noting that the preamble to the declaration of principles on freedom of expression in africa reaffirms the fundamental importance of freedom of expression as an individual human right, as a cornerstone of democracy and as a means of ensuring respect for all human rights and freedoms. Acknowledging the roles being played by many african and international. Apc urges states and all other stakeholders to discuss this resolution and reflect on how they may be guided by it, and by the principles contained in the african declaration on internet rights and freedoms, to ensure the full promotion, protection and respect of the right to freedom of information and expression offline and online in africa.

Accountability, transparency, and freedom of expression in. The african commission adopts this declaration of principles on freedom of expression and access to information in africa to replace the declaration on principles of freedom of expression in. Declaration of principles for freedom, prosperity, and peace. Nov 02, 2018 seventy years after the universal declaration of human rights was adopted in paris, the read the declarationhereinternational declaration on information and democracy is establishing basic principles for the global information and communication space, which its preamble defines as a common good of humankind. The right to freedom of opinion and expression is enshrined in the udhr, article 19, and the iccpr, article 19. The declaration establishes or affirms the principles for anchoring the rights to freedom of expression and access to information in conformance with. Draft issued by the special rapporteur on freedom of expression and access to information in africa, for. Pdf accountability, transparency, and freedom of expression.

African platform on access to information 19 september 2011. Principles african declaration on internet rights and freedoms. The document serves as a reference point for assessing african countries records at the commission. Recognizing the need to protect freedom of expression effectively in the americas, the interamerican commission on human rights, in support of the special rapporteur for freedom of expression, adopts the following declaration of principles. Telecommunications industry dialogue on freedom of expression. Freedom of expression in all its forms and manifestations is a fundamental and inalienable right of. The special rapporteur on freedom of expression and access to information in africa, one of the special mechanisms of the african commission on human and peoples rights the african commission, is calling for submissions on the draft declaration of principles on freedom of expression and access to information in africa draft declaration.

Africa and from east africa are also active in promoting the declaration. This declaration replaces the declaration of principles on freedom of expression in africa which the african commission had adopted in 2002. Over a decade ago, in 2002 the african commission on human and peoples rights adopted its declaration of principles on freedom of expression in africa. The 2002 declaration elaborated on the scope and content of article 9 of the african charter. History of the joint declarations toby mendel1 the three and now, four special international rapporteurs also known as mandates on freedom of expression have adopted a joint declaration on freedom of expression annually since 1999. Noting the declaration of principles on freedom of expression in africa 2002, the declaration of table mountain 2007, the african charter on broadcasting 2001, the declaration of the african platform on access to information 2011. Telecommunications industry dialogue on freedom of. Declaration of principles on freedom of expression in africa preamble reaffirming the fundamental importance of freedom of expression as an individual human right, as a cornerstone of democracy and as a means of ensuring respect for all human rights and freedoms. Freedom of expression constitutes one of the essential foundations of such democratic society, one of the basic conditions for its progress and for the development of every man. African human rights system global freedom of expression. Inspired by the inalienable rights derived from our ethics, traditions, and faiths, we commit ourselves to seek a better future for our.